
Agenda: Monday October 3, 2011

Quote of the Day: "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Mills

Learning Targets:

  • Are the histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era similar or different from one another?
  • How can studying a source document explain what a culture was like?

1. Reading Check Quiz Chapter 7. Students may use their notes.
2. Students will read the document The Periplus of the Erthraean Sea and answer these 2 questions:

  *According to this text, why is the Axumite port of Adulis significant?
  *What evidence does the Periplus provide about Axum’s cultural and economic ties to the larger world?
3. With the time remaining students will discuss the first Big Picture Question for Chapter 7: 
    1. "The histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era largely resemble those of Eurasia." Do you agree with this statement? Explain why or why not.

For the TEST on Friday, students will answer one of the 3 big picture questions for this chapter. They must bring the essay into class to be turned in before the test. Students may do the other two essays for extra credit on the test.