
Agenda: Sept. 10, 2012 to Sept. 14, 2012

Part 1 - First Things First Beginnings in History, to 500 BCE
Chapter 3 - First Civilizations: Cities, States & Unequal Societies
 3,500 BCE to 500 BCE
Mon - Quiz Ch. 3, Review Quiz answers, Intro to CH 3
Tue - Notes, Video, Discussion Chapter 3 "First Civilizations."
Wed/Thu - Competitive Review of Unit 1, Video Review.
Fri - TEST Unit 1 Ch 1-3

Monday, Sept. 10, 2012
Quote: "Luck = Preparation + Opportunity."
* Establish the relationship between the First Civilizations and the Agricultural Revolution
* Contrast civilizations with other forms of human communities
* To explore when, where, and how the First Civilizations arose in human history
Questions to Master:
1 - When and where did the First Civilizations emerge?
2 - What accounts for the initial breakthroughs to civilization?
3 - What was the role of cities in the early civilizations?

1. Reading Check Quiz - Chapter 3. Students may use the hand written notes that they took while reading the chapter.
2. Review the answers to the quiz and also our study of Guns, Germs and Steel last week.
3. Introduction to Chapter 3. 

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012
Quote: "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey
*Explore how the emergence of civilizations transformed how humans lived and how their societies were structured
* Compare the various ways in which civilizations differed from one another
Questions to Master:
1 - In what ways was social inequality expressed in early civilizations?
2 - In what ways have historians tried to explain the origins of patriarchy?
3 - How did Mesopotamian and Egyptian patriarchy differ from each other?

1. Do Now Question: “Civilizations were held together largely by force.” Do you agree with this assessment, or were there other mechanisms of integration as well?
2. Notes, Discussion, & Video. Students will add to their notes that they took from the chapter and discuss the questions to master.
Wed. & Thu., Sept. 12/13, 2012
Quote: “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”  - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
* Explore and analyze the outcomes of the emergence of civilizations, both positive and negative, for humankind
Questions to Master:
1 - What were the sources of state authority in the First Civilizations?
2 - In what ways did Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations differ from each other?
3 - In what ways were Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations shaped by their interactions with near and distant neighbors?
1. Do Now QuestionCompare Mesopotamia and Egypt. 
2. Notes, Discussion, and Video: Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt. We'll answer the Do Now question and further explore these two early civilizations.
3. "WHAP Survivor: Can you team survive early civilization?" 
Students will be in groups of 5 or 6 students a piece. They will answer questions cooperatively in their group and present their answers to the class. Mr. Duez will keep score. 
The objective is to learn how to attack Multiple Choice questions in WHAP. Focus on clearly reading the question. Eliminate answers and choose wisely. 
3. Video Review click the link here to see the videos. We will not see each of them in class, but some. Use the links to the remaining videos to help you review and bring to life concepts from Strayer.

Friday, Sept. 14, 2012
Quote: "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax." -Abraham Lincoln
1. TEST Chapters 1-3 Unit 1.
Students should read Chapter 4 this weekend and take notes. Reading check quiz is Monday.