
Chapter 13 - Worlds of the 15th Century

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Take Notes Over the Following Concepts and Questions, be prepared to discuss in class: 
Aztecs vs. Inca: What distinguished the Aztec and Inca empires from each other? How did Aztec religious thinking support the empire? & How did the Aztec Empire feed their vast population (possibly 15 million)?

What political and cultural differences stand out in the histories of fifteenth-century China and Western Europe? What similarities are apparent?
Video: Engineering an Empire: Aztecs

Ming China vs. Renaissance Europe: In what ways did European maritime voyaging in the fifteenth century differ from that of China? What accounts for these differences? What energy and inspiration gave rise to the Renaissance? Consider why Europe came to dominate the world in the modern era, and how well this could have been predicted in 1500.
Video: Engineering an Empire: China 
Video: Engineering an Empire: Da Vinci's World
Video: America Before Columbus (first 15 min only, we will watch the rest with Chapter 14)
Click here to load the Targets for Chapter 13 - Worlds of the 15th Century