
Agenda: March 18 - March 22, 2013

Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Unit 6: Most Recent Century
Chapter 21: The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, 1914 - 1980's
Week at a Glance:
Mon - Quiz CH 21 - WWI, Great Depression, Rise of Dictators; After quiz discuss recap of WWI and The Great Depression
Tue - The Rise of Dictators & Imperial Japan
Wd/Th - TEST CH 21 - WWI, Great Depression, Rise of Dictators; after test - Article "At Dawn We Slept" (Pearl Harbor); World War II begins - War in Europe
Fri - World War II - War in the Pacific
The men waited in fear to hear the words, "Go over the top." 
Learning Targets:
 •  To examine the history of Europe between 1914 and the 1970s as an organic whole made up of closely interconnected parts
 •  To consider the repercussions of nationalism and colonialism in Europe and Japan
 •  To increase student awareness of the effects of the two world wars
 •  To help students imagine the appeal of totalitarian movements in the twentieth century 

Essential Questions:
      1.   What explains the disasters that befell Europe in the first half of the twentieth century?
      2.   In what ways were the world wars a motor for change in the history of the twentieth century?
      3.   To what extent were the two world wars distinct and different conflicts, and in what ways were they related to each other? In particular, how did the First World War and its aftermath lay the foundations for World War II?
      4.   In what ways did Europe’s internal conflicts between 1914 and 1945 have global implications?

Margin Review Questions
      1.   What aspects of Europe’s nineteenth-century history contributed to the First World War?
      2.   In what ways did World War I mark new departures in the history of the twentieth century?
      3.   In what ways was the Great Depression a global phenomenon?
      4.   In what ways did fascism challenge the ideas and practices of European liberalism and democracy?
      5.   What was distinctive about the German expression of fascism? What was the basis of popular support for the Nazis?
      6.   How did Japan’s experience during the 1920s and 1930s resemble that of Germany, and how did it differ?
      7.   In what way were the origins of World War II in Asia and in Europe similar to each other? How were they different?
      8.   How did World War II differ from World War I?
      9.   How was Europe able to recover from the devastation of war?
Dorthea Lange's depression era photographs humanized the consequences of the Great Depression and influenced the development of documentary photography.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Quote: "The only thing we have to fear is... fear itself." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt. By 1933 the depression had reached its depth. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address outlined in broad terms how he hoped to govern and reminded Americans that the nation’s “common difficulties” concerned “only material things.”

1. Quiz CH 21 - WWI, Great Depression, Rise of Dictators
2. DO NOW Question for after the quiz:  In what ways was the Great Depression a global phenomenon?
3. Notes, Video, & Discussion: End of WWI, Roaring 20's, The Great Depression.
The Blitzkrieg: An all-motorized force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, combat engineers and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Quote"Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland... We shall adhere to it unconditionally... we recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people."  - Adolf Hitler, 21st May 1935

1. DO NOW QUESTIONWhat was distinctive about the German expression of fascism? What was the basis of popular support for the Nazis?
2. Notes, Video, & Discussion: Rise of Dictators & Imperialist Japan
3. Documents from Chapter 21 - group discussion concerning the comparison of Germany, Italy, and Japan in terms of governing and doctrine.
There are some fantastic films you could watch for extra credit. Due by Friday at 3pm.
Wednesday, March 20 and Thursday, March 21, 2013
Quote"Never in the field of human conflict, has so much, been owed by so many, to so few!" - Winston Churchill, September 1940

1. TEST Chapter 21 - 1st part. WWI, Great Depression, & Rise of Dictators/Imperialist Japan.
2. After the test the students will pick up the article: "At Dawn We Slept" a review of the book about the Japanese Attack of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. It is due in class on Friday. Students will have until all students finish the test to work on it in class. We will discuss the article on Friday before we hand it in for a grade.
3. Notes, Discussion, & Video - World War II begins. The War in Europe.
HBO's fantastic mini-series "The Pacific"
Friday, March 22, 2013
Quote"You are about to embark upon the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you...I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle." - General Eisenhower, before the D-Day invasion began,  summed up the mission of the Allies 

1. Prep the article "At Dawn We Slept" - review of the book. We will also hand in movie/documentary/book extra credit for this nine week period.
2. Notes, Discussion, & Video - Victory in Europe & the War in the Pacific

Test on Chapter 21 - Part II - WWII & The Holocaust is next Wednesday. We have Thursday and Friday of next week off for Easter Weekend. That test will be placed on the last nine week period (I will not be able to have it all graded before the quarter's grades are due).