
Sign up for AP Test Scores

From the AP Website:
Beginning in July, students will get AP scores online! Since we'll no longer be sending reports in the mail, there are a few things students will want to do to get ready.

Also, you could follow Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President, AP and College Readiness on TWITTER:
Trevor Packer is responsible for leading, developing and managing the College Board's Advanced Placement Program and associated College Readiness (K-12) programs and services. This involves providing executive direction for all programs, activities, products and services related to helping students prepare for and be successful in college. In addition to AP, these programs and services include ReadiStep™, PSAT/NMSQT, and SpringBoard®. The division's core competencies are focused on curriculum development, teacher professional development, creation of instructional resources, and the design and management of high stakes assessment programs designed to yield instructionally relevant feedback for educators and students.

AP_Trevor provides great information regarding each of the tests, including statistics, chronology of when to expect scores, and general AP Info.