
Agenda: Week of Dec. 2 - Dec. 6, 2013

Mr. Duez has been out all week due to a flare up of MS. This is a quick breakdown of what was done in class. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Duez.

Mon, Dec. 2 - 
I'll be back on Thursday & Friday.
Video Lecture/Notes - Sub showed the video lecture, students took notes and discussed.

Tue, Dec. 3 - 
Video Lecture/Notes - Sub showed the video lecture, students took notes and discussed.

Wed/Thu, Dec. 4/5 - 

Fri, Dec. 6 - 
Quote: "I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me." – Dr. Seuss

1. Extra Credit Is Due Today
2. Documentary with discussion & questions:
"America Before Columbus, Part I"
(link to YouTube)

Students will answer questions regarding the video and discuss in class.