
Agenda: Week of August 29 - Sept. 02, 2016

Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Summer Reading Unit - Standage - Six Glasses
Strayer Unit 1: First Humans, Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Week at a Glance:
MON6 Glasses Epilogue: Water: Read/Annotate & Discuss. 
Review of Themes of World History, Periodization, & Historical Thinking Skills. 
Meet the author - Standage Video - CBS Sunday Morning - A Drink To History 
TUE - Coca-Cola and Globalization & American Dominance in the 20th Century; 
Matching pairs concept review for the test
FRIArticleFirst Humans due; Socratic Discussion; How to prepare for Quiz over Ch. 1 & 2
Assignments At a Glance:
Fill out the student survey. This is your first grade - due by end of day Tuesday.
This Wed/Thu: Test over Summer Reading - Six Glasses by Tom Standage
This Friday - Article due in class with Socratic Seminar
MON next week - Quiz Chapter 1 & 2 of Strayer
Monday, August 29, 2016
Quote: "I am a great believer in luck. I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson

Examination of the major themes of WHAP:
The course covers these 6 themes:
Theme 1: Interaction Between Humans and the Environment
Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures
Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict
Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures

1. How was beer "essential" to human civilization?
2. How did the use of wine in Roman culture differ from that of ancient Greece?
3. Why do Christians Drink Wine and Muslims Do Not?
4. How did Columbian Exchange change the globe?
5. What is colonization and how to British imperial power change the world?
6. How does 'coca-colonization' explain American dominance in the 20th century?

1. DO NOW - Pick up the 6 Glasses Epilogue: Water from the front desk. Annotate. (10 min)
2. Discuss the epilogue: Do you agree with Standage that the most important drink of the present and future is WATER?
3. SPICE CHART: Students will get a SPICE chart. They should use this for each of the six drinks, but especially to compare 2 of them. This will help them study for the test and also prepare for any kind of essay prompt. And it emphasizes the 5 themes of AP  World History: Social, Political, Interaction, Culture, Economics.
Mark Phillips speaks with Tom Standage, the author of "A History of the World in 6 Glasses," about the influence of beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and cola from the stone-age until the present.

Fill out the student survey. This is your first grade - due by end of day Tuesday.
Watch the YouTube Lectures over Six Glasses, take notes. Prepare for the Text on Wed/Thu
Bring your notes, 3 ring binder, and your brain to class. We will use them in class each day. 
The symbol for "Beer" -- ancient Sumerian writing. (The symbol is a clay pot)
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Quote: "Luck is the IDOL of the IDLE." - Proverb

Examination of the major themes of WHAP:
The course covers these 6 themes:
Theme 1: Interaction Between Humans and the Environment
Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures
Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict
Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems
Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures

1. How was beer "essential" to human civilization?
2. How did the use of wine in Roman culture differ from that of ancient Greece?
3. Why do Christians Drink Wine and Muslims Do Not?
4. How did Columbian Exchange change the globe?
5. What is colonization and how to British imperial power change the world?
6. How does 'coca-colonization' explain American dominance in the 20th century?

1. DO NOW - How does Coca-colonization explain American dominance in the 20th Century? 

2. Matching Pairs Quiz - Match words that should be associated with each of the six drinks Standage refers to in his book? (Example, Age of Reasoning = Coffee)

Part A: Match with cards that have the pairs on them. Students will do this in groups and discuss their matches. 
Part B: Match with a Presentation that will step through the matches on the screen.

3. Video review: We'll watch video clips that emphasize the importance of each drink/epoch-time period of history. Mr. Duez will ask questions to check for learning to be sure students understand the main eras and associated historical impacts.

Fill out the student survey. This is your first grade - due by end of day Tuesday.
Watch the screencasts over Six Glasses, take notes. Prepare for the Text on Wed/Thu
Bring your notes, 3 ring binder, and your brain to class. We will use them in class each day. 
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2016 & Thursday, Sept 1, 2016
Quote: "Unless you pay the price for success, you will not know it's worth." - Apoorve Dubey

How do we know our past, 
before writing?
1. TEST - Summer Reading - A History of the World in Six Glasses

Article for FridayFirst Humans "Finding the First Humans: When and how did the first humans arrive in the Americas?"
Quiz over Chapter 1 and 2 on Monday.

Review the notes from Unit 1, either by presentation or Mr. Duez's video. Read Strayer Chapters 1 and 2. Use the Target Sheet for Unit 1. Know your vocabulary for the quiz - along with hand written notes.

Bring your notes, 3 ring binder, and your brain to class. We will use them in class each day. 
Monday is Labor Day. A day off of work to celebrate "work" & those that built this great country. #WorkersUnite
Friday, Sept. 2, 2016
Quote: “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

Part 1 - First Things First Beginnings in History, to 500 BCE
To familiarize students with the spread of human societies in the Paleolithic era
To explore the conditions of life in gathering and hunting societies
To examine factors that eventually led to change in the gathering and hunting societies 

1. What is the significance of the Paleolithic era in world history?
2. In what ways did various Paleolithic societies differ from one another, and how did they change over time?
3. What statements in this chapter seem to be reliable and solidly based on facts, and which ones are more speculative and uncertain?
4. How might our attitudes toward the modern world influence our assessment of Paleolithic societies?

1. DO NOW - Prep the article First Humans to discuss in class and turn in afterwards.

2. Socratic Text Based Discussion in small groups of 4 students
Use your question, summary, and remember to refer to the text to discuss the article.

ArticleFirst Humans "Finding the First Humans: When and how did the first humans arrive in the Americas?"

3. Discuss how to prepare for the Quiz on Tuesday. Strayer - Chapter 1 & 2
Refer to the Success Plan 

Use the Success Plan
Review the notes from Unit 1, either by presentation or Mr. Duez's video. 
Read Strayer Chapters 1 and 2. 
Use the Target Sheet for Unit 1. 
Know your vocabulary for the quiz - along with hand written notes.
Bring your notes, 3 ring binder, and your brain to class. We will use them in class each day.