
AP Test Signup Date Reminder - 2/29

Just a reminder that the signup date deadline for the Advanced Placement World History test is February 29th. 

Currently I have 17 of the 52 students who are signed up to take the test. Kind of a shame. Not even a full class period out of 4. Hoping some more of you decide to sign up. 

Realize that the funds$$$ for students in need are dwindling (and may already be gone). So the sooner the better.

Also, keep in mind a couple of things:
  • We will be spending an entire month prepping for the AP test. We'll finish Chapter 24 on April 13th. Each week we'll take the equivalent of an AP World History test as practice in class. So we'll be plenty prepared.
  • Also know that although the price has gone up, this is an invaluable opportunity to experience the test and improve your chances of future success in AP testing during your Junior and Senior year.
  • Also realize that I will push each and every one of you exactly the same and hold you to the same standard, regardless of whether you are signed up for the test or not. It is the right thing to do because I want you to be prepared for AP US History next fall. You are going to knock Ms. Flynn and Mr. Scalia's socks off! They have NEVER had students this prepared for their class before.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.