
Class Project - Student Driven Instruction on CH 19 and 20

Groups for the Chapter 19 & 20 Student Driven Project
Link to the Project Information for Chapter 19 & 20.

We will write the proposal for the project on Tuesday. Include the 5 Questions you will ask the class. It is a grade and will be turned in before the end of the period. We will then have the entire block day on Wed/Thu to plan, coordinate and put your presentation together. I will help as we also have individual meeting time to go over the DBQ.

 Examples of student-driven projects to get ideas from:
Youtube Clip: Re-enactment of the Boxer Rebellion
Youtube Clip: Student created Boxer Rebellion Clip
Youtube Clip: Student created documentary about Boxer Rebellion
Power Point Presentation: Boxer Rebellion Student Created Prezi on Boxer Rebellion