
Agenda: Week of March 23 - March 27, 2015

Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Unit 6: The Most Recent Century, 1914 - 2010
Chapter 21: Collapse & Recovery of Europe
World War II
Week at a Glance:
MON - Guernica Painting - Meaning & Impact; Introduction: WWII - The War Begins; Crash Course WH WWII; Hitler Takes Europe; Japan Takes Asian Pacific; Hitler's 2 Great Mistakes; Ferguson's "Killing Space" Documentary; WWII Motivations
TUE - 1942- The Year WWII Begins to Turn; Stalingrad, D-Day (44); Victory in Europe; 
WED/THUPearl Harbor Article: Due in Class completed - Discussion; The Pacific War: Victory in Japan. Discuss the Holocaust & Use of Atomic Weapon to end WWII.
FRI - Quiz Chapter 22 - World Communism, Rise & Fall.

Article on Pearl Harbor is due on Wed/Thu: Pearl Harbor Article 
Quiz Friday - Chapter 22
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is next Thursday
Some call it the greatest documentary of all-time. It is certainly the most forceful propaganda film in history.
Learning Targets:
 •  To examine the history of Europe between 1914 and the 1970s as an organic whole made up of closely interconnected parts
 •  To consider the repercussions of nationalism and colonialism in Europe and Japan
 •  To increase student awareness of the effects of the two world wars
 •  To help students imagine the appeal of totalitarian movements in the twentieth century 

Essential Questions:
      1.   What explains the disasters that befell Europe in the first half of the twentieth century?
      2.   In what ways were the world wars a motor for change in the history of the twentieth century?
      3.   To what extent were the two world wars distinct and different conflicts, and in what ways were they related to each other? In particular, how did the First World War and its aftermath lay the foundations for World War II?
      4.   In what ways did Europe’s internal conflicts between 1914 and 1945 have global implications?

Margin Review Questions
      1.   What aspects of Europe’s nineteenth-century history contributed to the First World War?
      2.   In what ways did World War I mark new departures in the history of the twentieth century?
      3.   In what ways was the Great Depression a global phenomenon?
      4.   In what ways did fascism challenge the ideas and practices of European liberalism and democracy?
      5.   What was distinctive about the German expression of fascism? What was the basis of popular support for the Nazis?
      6.   How did Japan’s experience during the 1920s and 1930s resemble that of Germany, and how did it differ?
      7.   In what way were the origins of World War II in Asia and in Europe similar to each other? How were they different?
      8.   How did World War II differ from World War I?
      9.   How was Europe able to recover from the devastation of war?
Monday, March 23, 2015
Quote: "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill (speaking about the Royal Air Force)

1. DO NOW QUESTION: Look at the screen and write down in your notes what you see. What do you think this painting represents and means? Guernica Painting - Discuss Meaning & Impact
Guernica by Pablo Picasso
2. Crash Course World History #38: World War II (10 min) Answer the How is World War II different from World War I? on a sheet of paper as you watch Crash Course. 
3. Notes, Video, Discussion: Introduction to World War II - War Begins.
Hitler’s vision of lebensraum. (War of the World: Killing Space by Ferguson)
Appeasement; Blitzkrieg
Fall of France; Battle of Britain
Hitler Takes Continental Europe; 
Japan Takes Asian Pacific; 
Hitler's 2 Great Mistakes

Pearl Harbor Article 
Quiz Friday - Chapter 22
Chapter 21 & 22: Test next Thursday 
The Battle of Britain: German Luftwaffe vs. the British RAF
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Quote“We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.” - Winston Churchill

2. Documentary Video: Ferguson's War of the World - Killing Space
In 1942, the 20th Century teetered on a knife-edge. It was the year when the whole world map appeared to have been redrawn by the Axis powers.
3. Notes, Video, Discussion: 
1942- The Year WWII Begins to Turn; Stalingrad, D-Day (44); Victory in Europe; 

Pearl Harbor Article 
Quiz Friday - Chapter 22
Chapter 21 & 22: Test next Thursday 
"Motherland Calls" - Russian statue as tribute to those who fell at Stalingrad, 1942-1943.
Wednesday, March 25th & Thursday, March 26th, 2015
Quote: "December 7th, 1941... a day that shall live in infamy." - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

1. DO NOW QUESTION: Prepare article: Pearl Harbor Article 
2. Discuss Pearl Harbor Article & Notes, Video over Pearl Harbor
Mr. Duez's Trip to Pearl Harbor & 
War in the Pacific (Video: Making of The Pacific Anatomy of a War - HBO)
4. Notes, Video, & Discussion: Victory in Europe
Stalingrad & Operation Torch
D-Day Invasion & Victory in Europe
5. Notes, Video, & Discussion: Victory in Japan - Nature of the fighting Island hopping; terribly brutal & deadly; finished with horrifying Atomic Weapon and final Japanese Surrender as Soviets & Americans were poised to possibly invade

Review WWII: 
War Begins: Japanese Invasion of Manchuria & China, 1931, 1937; Japanese Imperialism takes complete control of Asian Pacific Rim; German Blitzkrieg, 1939-1940 - Hitler takes continent of Europe from France to Russia 
Battle of Britain 1940;
Escalation of War in 1941: German Invasion of USSR - Operation Barbarossa, June 1941; Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941 
Battle of Stalingrad, 1942-43; Operation Torch 1942 (Africa/Italy Invasions); Battle of Kursk (Eastern Front's D-Day Push) & D-Day June 6, 1944
US/Allies--> Push to Germany <--USSR
VE-Day: Victory in Europe, Jan. 1945
Asian Theatre of War: - Island Hopping Attacks by US/Allies against Japan.
Pearl Harbor, Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal, Leyte Gulf, Mariana Islands, Cape Gloucester, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Okinawa - all major Pacific Battles. Brutal combat, inhospitable conditions, an enemy that would not surrender and fought to the last man for their emperor. Aug. 6 & Aug. 9, 1945 -
Atomic Bombs Dropped by US on JapanVJ-Day: Victory Against Japan, August 1945
Questions for Discussion:
  • What were the 2 main mistakes that Hitler made?
  • Which battles in each theater of war proved most decisive & important?
  • What was the impact on civilian populations?
  • Did the United States make the right decision to drop the bomb on Japan? (Was it much different than the near total destruction of many German cities throughout the course of the war?) How could you argue for the decision? How could you argue against it?
Assignment for Friday: 
Quiz Friday - Chapter 22
Test next Thursday - Chapter 21 & 22
The Pacific Theater of War was brutal. 
Friday, March 27, 2015
Quote: "Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy." - Mao Zedong

1. DO NOW QUESTION: Prepare for the Quiz
2. Quiz Chapter 22
3. Review Quiz Chapter 22

Chapter 21 & 22: Test next Thursday