
Agenda: Week of March 30th - April 3, 2015

Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Unit 6: The Most Recent Century, 1900 - 2010
Chapter 22: The Rise and Fall of World Communism, 1917 - Present
MON: Chinese & Russian Communism compared; Rise & Fall of World Communism;
TUE: The Cold War - The U.S. vs. The Soviet Union; "Third World" War in the Global South
WED: Tank Man Documentary

Quiz Chapter 23, next Monday
Great T-Shirt idea from 2012.
Targets - Chapter 22 - "World Communism: Rise and Fall"
•  To examine the nature of the Russian and Chinese revolutions and how the differences between those revolutions affected the introduction of communist regimes in those countries
 •  To consider how communist states developed, especially in the USSR and the People’s Republic of China
 •  To consider the benefits of a communist state
 •  To consider the harm caused by the two great communist states of the twentieth century
 •  To introduce students to the cold war and its major issues
 •  To explore the reasons why communism collapsed in the USSR and China
 •  To consider how we might assess the communist experience . . . and to inquire if historians should be asking such questions about moral judgment
Stalin's secret recipe was "KILLER".

Essential Questions to Consider:
      1.   What was the appeal of communism, in terms of both its promise and its achievements? To what extent did it fulfill that promise?
      2.   Why did the communist experiment, which was committed to equality and a humane socialism, generate such oppressive, brutal, and totalitarian regimes?
      3.   What is distinctive about twentieth-century communist industrialization and modernization compared to the same processes in the West a century earlier?
      4.   What was the global significance of the cold war?
      5.   “The end of communism was as revolutionary as its beginning.” Do you agree with this statement?
      6.   In what different ways did the Soviet Union and China experience communism during the twentieth century?

      1.   When and where did communism exercise influence during the twentieth century?
      2.   Identify the major differences between the Russian and Chinese revolutions.
      3.   Why were the Bolsheviks able to ride the Russian Revolution to power?
      4.   What was the appeal of communism in China before 1949?
      5.   What changes did communist regimes bring to the lives of women?
      6.   How did the collectivization of agriculture differ between the USSR and China?
      7.   What were the achievements of communist efforts at industrialization? What problems did these achievements generate?
      8.   Why did communist regimes generate terror and violence on such a massive scale?
      9.   In what different ways was the cold war expressed?
      10.   In what ways did the United States play a global role after World War II?
      11.   Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the communist world by the 1970s.
      12.   What explains the rapid end of the communist era?
      13.   How did the end of communism in the Soviet Union differ from communism’s demise in China?
It wasn't such a fun party, really.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Quote: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind."  -William James

1. DO NOWHow did the cold war affect countries emerging from colonial rule in the second half of the twentieth century?
2. Notes, Video, Discussion: World Communism, Rise and Fall.
Russian & Chinese Communism
Comparing to other revolutions - French
3. Documentary Study: The War of the World, Episode 5: Ice Box
4. Discuss the Cold War: USA, USSR, & China.
Focus on: In what ways did the United States play a global role after World War II?
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the communist world by the 1970s.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Tank Man
Berlin Wall Comes Down - Russian Communism Ends
Is China still a true communist nation?
Chinese today remember the Mao days like it was their great historic past. There is more to the story.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 
Quote: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham Lincoln

1. DO NOWIs China still a true communist nation?
2. Notes, Video, Discussion: World Communism, Rise & Fall.
John Green Crash Course World History: Cold War
John Green Crash Course World History: Chinese Communism
Lego Tank Man
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Quote“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.” - Robert H. Schuller

1. DO NOW: What was the end result of the Cold War? Who Won?
2. Documentary StudyThe War of the World, Episode 5: Ice Box
Vietnam War Protester
Thursday, April 2nd, 2015
Quote: “Greetings Professor Falkon, Shall we play a game?" - Joshua, computer AI, Movie: War Games

1. DO NOW: Prep For Test
2. TEST CH 23 & 24

Quiz Chapter 23 on Monday