Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
AP Test Review & Preparation: Unit 5 & 6 Focus
AP Test Review & Preparation: Unit 5 & 6 Focus
MON: Item Analysis on AP Practice Test from last week; Group discussion of FRQ Planning from last Friday. Focus on DBQ. POV/Additional Doc/Grouping/Historical Context/Analysis/Thesis.
TUE: Matching Trios Game; Test Corrections on 2011 Practice Test
WED/THU: FRQ Prep; Ferguson's China: Triumph & Turmoil.
FRI: Practice Test 2011 Corrections due. FRQ Friday - 2010-2013: One of those AP FRQ sets will be presented to you to do a quick plan & write.
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Keep marching on to the AP Test. Study each night! |
Study and Prepare for the FRQs - The AP Test is coming!
Study & Prepare --- The AP Test is coming!
***The days of this week won't perfectly correspond to our schedule. Basically we'll run through the Monday through Friday schedule throughout. Monday and Friday will be the same. Tue/Wed/Thu are varied because of the schedule change this week.***
We have a ridiculous testing bell schedule this week:
5th: 11:30 - 12:58 (b lunch 11:56-12:25) 1 hour class.
6th: 1:05 - 1:50 45 minute class.
7th: 1:57 - 2:45 48 minute class.
5th: 11:27 - 1:35 (b lunch 12:33 - 1:02) 90 minute class.
7th: 1:42 - 2:45 About an hour long class.
7th: 1:42 - 2:45 About an hour long class.
6th: 1:14 - 2:45 90 Minute Class.
Modified Schedule (no Advisory)
5th: 11:19 - 12:52 (b lunch 11:45 - 12:14) 1 hour class.
6th: 12:54 - 1:49 Close to an hour.
7th: 1:56 - 2:45 Close to an hour.
In total for the week:
5th period: 3 hours & 30 min.
6th period: 3 hours & 15 min.
7th period: 3 hours & 48 min.
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They have always been -and always will be- An Exception. Exceptionally awesome. |
Monday May 5, 2014
Quote: "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart
1. DO NOW: Which question did you struggle with on FRQ Friday during your planning session?
2. Item Analysis: AP Practice Test results from last week. Students will mark a sheet to determine which period, question type, that they missed most often. Which did they do the best on?
3. FRQ Breakdown: Students will work together to look over their plans for the FRQ Planning that they did in class on Friday.
4. Practice Test corrections: 2011 Practice Test
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Good luck on your EOC (and SAT/ACT practice) tests this week. |
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Quote: "The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now." –Bill Cosby
1. DO NOW: Pick up Matching Trios in the front.
2. Matching Trios competition in teams.
3. Practice Test corrections.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 & Thursday May 8, 2014
Quote: "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." –Anne Frank
1. DO NOW: We are one week away, what can you do to prepare?
2. FRQ Analysis: Focus on DBQ - Point of View Discussion.
3. Video Documentary: This documentary will march us through some of the key moments in the development of China. It is a huge part of the AP Test. This is also a good break in our Mock Testing. We'll do the 2013 Mock Test again next Monday. We won't have the entire 55 minutes, like the test. But this will be a good chance to push yourself to see how many you can complete in the 50 minutes we will have to do it.
- Niall Ferguson's China: Triumph & Turmoil, Part I: Emperor Part I
- Niall Ferguson's China: Triumph & Turmoil, Part I: Emperor Part II
- Niall Ferguson's China: Triumph & Turmoil, Part I: Emperor Part III
- Niall Ferguson's China: Triumph & Turmoil, Part I: Emperor Part IV
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Great tips from the "Master" - Bill Strickland. |
Friday, May 9, 2014
Quote: "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." –Teddy Roosevelt
1. DO NOW: Turn in 2011 Mock Test Corrections.
2. FRQ FRIDAY - Mr. Duez will pass out one of the full FRQ question sets from the years 2010-2013. 30 min.
2. After FRQ Friday - planning & analysis of the prompts, we will discuss those prompts and planning procedures.
On Monday we'll do the 2013 Practice test again. This will be a good chance to push yourself through the questions and work on pacing.