Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Unit 6: The Most Recent Century, 1914 - 2010
Chapter 21: Collapse & Recovery of Europe
World War II
Week at a Glance:MON - Pick up Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday. Operation Barbarossa - Hitler invades Russia; Stalingrad, D-Day (44); Victory in Europe. War in Asia/Pacific - Island Hopping
TUE/THU - Use of Atomic Weapons; Post WWII peace & Rebuilding of Europe & Japan; Documentary: War of the World, "Ice Box" by Ferguson w/questions
WED - Quiz CH 22 - World Communism
FRI - CH 22 - World Communism: Russian & Chinese Revolutions compared.
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is next Monday, April 3rd.
Schedule is a big mess this week because of EOC Testing:
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday are regular days.
Basically, all classes will meet on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
7th Period: All 5 days. But mostly regular periods, without a 90 minute block day at all.
1st Period: Mon-Wed-Fri for regular periods, plus Wednesday for a 90 minute period.
4th Period: Mon-Wed-Fri only, on Thursday 4th will be EOC testing, so they will miss that additional 90 minute period.
-------------------------------------Learning Targets:
• To examine the history of Europe between 1914 and the 1970s as an organic whole made up of closely interconnected parts
• To consider the repercussions of nationalism and colonialism in Europe and Japan
• To increase student awareness of the effects of the two world wars
• To help students imagine the appeal of totalitarian movements in the twentieth century
Essential Questions:
1. What explains the disasters that befell Europe in the first half of the twentieth century?
2. In what ways were the world wars a motor for change in the history of the twentieth century?
3. To what extent were the two world wars distinct and different conflicts, and in what ways were they related to each other? In particular, how did the First World War and its aftermath lay the foundations for World War II?
4. In what ways did Europe’s internal conflicts between 1914 and 1945 have global implications?
Margin Review Questions
1. What aspects of Europe’s nineteenth-century history contributed to the First World War?
2. In what ways did World War I mark new departures in the history of the twentieth century?
3. In what ways was the Great Depression a global phenomenon?
4. In what ways did fascism challenge the ideas and practices of European liberalism and democracy?
5. What was distinctive about the German expression of fascism? What was the basis of popular support for the Nazis?
6. How did Japan’s experience during the 1920s and 1930s resemble that of Germany, and how did it differ?
7. In what way were the origins of World War II in Asia and in Europe similar to each other? How were they different?
8. How did World War II differ from World War I?
9. How was Europe able to recover from the devastation of war?
Monday, March 28, 2016
Quote: "At the root of this dilemma is the way we view mental health in this country. Whether an illness affects your heart, your leg or your brain, it's still an illness, and there should be no distinction." - Michelle Obama
1. DO NOW: What explains the changes illustrated in the table?

2. Notes, Video, & Discussion: Victory in Europe:
Stalingrad & Operation Torch;
D-Day Invasion & Victory in Europe
2. Notes, Video, & Discussion: Victory in Pacific:
Mr. Duez's Trip to Pearl Harbor &
War in the Pacific (Video: Making of The Pacific Anatomy of a War - HBO)
Victory in Japan - Nature of the fighting Island hopping; terribly brutal & deadly; finished with horrifying Atomic Weapon and final Japanese Surrender as Soviets & Americans were poised to possibly invade
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Quote: “It is an odd paradox that a society, which can now speak openly and unabashedly about topics that were once unspeakable, still remain largely silent when it comes to mental illness.” - Glenn Close
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Answer the short answer question below:
2. NOTES: Post War World - The "Cold War" Begins
Wednesday, March 30th
Quote: "Schizophrenia cannot be understood without understanding despair." - R.D. Laing
1. Quiz CH 22 - World Communism
Thursday, March 31st, 2016
Quote: "The schizophrenic mind is not so much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a waking nightmare." - Elyn Saks
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Pick up Questions for the documentary: Ice Box
2. Documentary Study: The War of the World, Episode 5: Ice Box
Questions for the documentary: Ice Box
How did the cold war affect countries emerging from colonial rule in the second half of the twentieth century?
3. Notes, Video, Discussion: World Communism, Rise & Fall.
Quote: “It is an odd paradox that a society, which can now speak openly and unabashedly about topics that were once unspeakable, still remain largely silent when it comes to mental illness.” - Glenn Close
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Answer the short answer question below:
2. NOTES: Post War World - The "Cold War" Begins
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
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"Motherland Calls" - Russian statue as tribute to those who fell at Stalingrad, 1942-1943. |
Wednesday, March 30th
Quote: "Schizophrenia cannot be understood without understanding despair." - R.D. Laing
1. Quiz CH 22 - World Communism
2. Review Quiz
-------------------------------------Thursday, March 31st, 2016
Quote: "The schizophrenic mind is not so much split as shattered. I like to say schizophrenia is like a waking nightmare." - Elyn Saks
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Pick up Questions for the documentary: Ice Box
2. Documentary Study: The War of the World, Episode 5: Ice Box
Questions for the documentary: Ice Box
How did the cold war affect countries emerging from colonial rule in the second half of the twentieth century?
3. Notes, Video, Discussion: World Communism, Rise & Fall.
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
Friday April 1, 2016
Quote: "There is no difference between acute schizophrenia and a world at war." -Gary Zukav
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Prep Pearl Harbor Article to turn in at the beginning of class.
2. Notes: Comparing: Russian & Chinese Communism
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.
Friday April 1, 2016
Quote: "There is no difference between acute schizophrenia and a world at war." -Gary Zukav
1. DO NOW QUESTION: Prep Pearl Harbor Article to turn in at the beginning of class.
2. Notes: Comparing: Russian & Chinese Communism
Quiz over CH 22 - World Communism on Wednesday, March 29th. Pearl Harbor Article. Due on Friday, March 31st
TEST OVER Chapter 21 & 22 is Monday, April 3rd.