Level drop procedures are listed below:
1. Level drops will ONLY be allowed at the 3-week mark, the 6-week mark, and at semester. NO changes will be made at other times during the year. The 6 week drop has been adjusted slightly due to our late start.
2. The 6-week level drop deadline is Friday, October 5th.
Students must submit forms to their House Counselor no later than 3:00 pm on Friday, October 5 for the requested change to be made.
3. The level drop process begins with the teacher. Students do not ask their counselor for a level drop form. They must get one from the teacher only.*
*4. Parent - Teacher contact must be made to discuss the change in level before a drop form will be given to a student.
Students can request a form at any time and may turn it into their counselor now. However, schedule changes will not be made until after October 5. All changes will be made by effective by October 9.
Students may move UP a level (from a 4.0 to a 5.0 course) at any time by requesting to see their counselor. We do advise that students do this as soon as possible so that they do not fall behind.
Students who do not change levels during this drop period must remain in the advanced course until the end of the first semester.
Students who do not change levels during this drop period must remain in the advanced course until the end of the first semester.