Agenda: Week of Feb. 25 - March 1, 2019

Advanced Placement WORLD HISTORY with Mr. Duez
Ch 19 -  Internal Troubles, External Threats
China, Ottoman Empire, Japanese Meji Restoration - Rise of British Empire
Week at a Glance:
MON - Quiz CH 19 - TARGETS: Chapter 19: Internal Troubles, External Threats; Review Quiz
TUE - Chinese King Cake Cartoon analysisThe British Empire - Nationalism, Social Darwinism, Tea - Empire
WED/THU - Compare Chinese, Ottoman, & Japanese responses to Colonization & later Imperialism; Video w/Questions & Discussion - Ferguson's Empire
FRI -  Crash Course WH: ImperialismScramble for Africa - Africa Under European Rule

This Monday - Quiz CH 19
Next Monday, March 4 - Quiz CH 20
Wed/Thu March 6 & 7 - TEST CH 19 & 20 

• To make students aware of the refocusing of racism in the nineteenth-century West
• To examine the effects of Western dominance on the empires of Asia
• To explore the reasons behind the collapse of the Chinese and Ottoman empires
• To investigate the reasons for Japan’s rise to its position as an industrial superpower and to compare Japan’s experience with that of China

Chapter 19 Essential Questions
1. What differences can you identify in how China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan experienced Western imperialism and confronted it? How might you account for those differences?
2. In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth-century European imperialism?
3. “The response of each society to European imperialism grew out of its larger historical development and its internal problems.” What evidence might support this statement?
4. What accounts for the massive peasant rebellions of nineteenth-century China?
5. How did Western pressures stimulate change in China during the nineteenth century?
6. What lay behind the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century?
7. How did Japan’s historical development differ from that of China and the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century?
Monday, February 25, 2019
Quote: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Seuss

1. Quiz CH 19 - Reading Check Quiz

2. Review CH 19 Quiz 

This Monday - Quiz CH 19
Next Monday, March 4 - Quiz CH 20
Wed/Thu March 6 & 7 - TEST CH 19 & 20 
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Quote"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi, 1971

1. DO NOW QUESTION: Analyze the political cartoon. What is the point of view of the artist? 

The British Empire - Nationalism, Social Darwinism, Tea - Empire

2. Andrew Marr's History of the World: Industry (which also goes into colonialism & imperialism a great deal)  Students will take notes over the video. Keep the notes for use with your quiz tomorrow over CH 19. 
*Meiji Restoration - End of the Samurai
*Chinese Opium War
*Maxim Gun
*Taiping Rebellion
*Boxer Rebellion

Next Monday, March 4 - Quiz CH 20
Wed/Thu March 6 & 7 - TEST CH 19 & 20 
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
and Thursday, February 28, 2019
Quote: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

1. DO NOW: How did the pursuit of tea by the British impact their colonial advancement? 

2. Notes, Video, Discussion: 

Compare Chinese, Ottoman, & Japanese responses to Colonization & later Imperialism:
*Meiji Restoration - End of the Samurai
*Chinese Opium War
*Maxim Gun
*Taiping Rebellion
*Boxer Rebellion
3. Video w/Questions & Discussion - Ferguson's Empire

Niall Ferguson's EMPIRE: How Britain Made The Modern World
A fascinating journey in both time & space to explore the impact of the British empire on the modern world. From the earliest British settlers in Virginia to the decline of the empire in the aftermath of the two World Wars, positive & negative aspects of the empire are illustrated through key events & players.

Next Monday, March 4 - Quiz CH 20
Wed/Thu March 6 & 7 - TEST CH 19 & 20 
Friday, March 1, 2019
Quote: "I was only following orders." - Adolf Eichmann, Director of Nazi Deportation of Jews to Concentration Camps

1. DO NOW QUESTION: Copy the questions down for Crash Course WH: Imperialism

2. NOTES, VIDEO, & DISCUSSION: Africa Under European Rule
Indirect Rule
Scramble for Africa
Cecil Rhodes - Social Darwinism

Next Monday, March 4 - Quiz CH 20
Wed/Thu March 6 & 7 - TEST CH 19 & 20 

Final Registration - AP Test Signup 2018-2019

Great job! 
All AP World History students in my 2 classes signed up, except for one. Really superb job. 

7th Period had 100% sign up!

43/44 = 98%

Agenda: Week of Feb. 18-22, 2109

Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Chapters 17 & 18 "Revolutions"
Week at a Glance:
TUE - Quiz CH 18; Quiz Review
WED - Revolutions of Industry - The Russian Revolution is the focus. Rise of workers and improvements in life because of worker protest - 40 hour week, etc. 
THU - TEST CH 17-18 - Multiple Choice
FRI - TEST CH 17-18 - SAQ
Tuesday, this week - Quiz CH 18
Thursday this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 M/CH
FRI this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 SAQ
Quiz CH 19 on Monday, next week
Monday, February 18, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Quote"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back." - Erica Jong

1. Reading Check Quiz - CH 18 - Revolutions of Industry

2. Review Quiz 

Tuesday, this week - Quiz CH 18
Thursday this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 M/CH
FRI this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 SAQ
Quiz CH 19 on Monday, next week
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Quote"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix


2. Russian Revolution, Capitalism, and Socialism/Communism - Introduction

Thursday this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 M/CH
FRI this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 SAQ
Quiz CH 19 on Monday, next week
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Quote"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." - Erica Jong

1. TEST CH 17 & 18 - Multiple Choice 

FRI this week - TEST CH 17 & 18 SAQ
Quiz CH 19 on Monday, next week
Friday, February 22, 2019
Quote: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill

1. TEST CH 17 & 18 - SAQ

Quiz CH 19 on Monday

Agenda: Week of Feb. 11 - 15, 2019

Unit 5: The European Moment, 1750 - 1914
CH 17: The Atlantic Revolutions -and- CH 18: The Industrial Revolution
Week at a Glance:
MON: The Art of the French Revolution - works of Jacque-Louis David. Symbolism, propaganda, & nationalism. Review the Haitian, American, & Latin American revolutions. French Revolution Version: "Bad Romance" Lady Gaga
TUE: What was revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution? Introduction of the Industrial Revolution - Why did it begin in Great Britain? Both the positive and the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution
WED/THU: Impact of IR as a turning point in World History; Writing POV with the DBQWhat was common to the process of industrialization everywhere, and in what ways did that process vary from place to place?; In what ways might the Industrial Revolution be understood as a global rather than simply a European phenomenon? Revolutions of IndustryCrash Course: Industrial RevolutionWhat did humankind gain from the Industrial Revolution, and what did it lose?
FRI: Quiz CH 18 - Industrial Revolution 

Friday, Feb. 11th - Quiz CH 18 "Industrial Revolution"
TEST on Thursday, Feb. 20th - CH 17 & 18 Multiple Choice w/2 SAQ questions

CH 18 Revolutions of Industry

Learning Targets:
• To explore the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution
• To root Europe’s Industrial Revolution in a global context
• To examine the question of why industrialization first “took off ” in Great Britain
• To heighten student awareness of both the positive and the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution
• To examine some of the ways in which nineteenth-century industrial powers exerted an economic imperialism over their non-industrialized neighbors

Essential Questions:
1. What was revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution?
2. What was common to the process of industrialization everywhere, and in what ways did that process vary from place to place?
3. What did humankind gain from the Industrial Revolution, and what did it lose?
4. In what ways might the Industrial Revolution be understood as a global rather than simply a European phenomenon?
Why did the Industrial Revolution take hold and seem to explode in Great Britain?
Monday, February 11th, 2019
Quote: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy

1. DO NOW: In your opinion, is using violence to achieve liberty and equality justifiable? How much violence is too much violence to gain liberty and equality?

2. Video: French Revolution Version: "Bad Romance" Lady Gaga

3. Notes, Video, Discussion: The Art of the French Revolution - works of Jacque-Louis David. Symbolism, propaganda, & nationalism. Review the Haitian, American, & Latin American revolutions. 

Friday, Feb. 11th - Quiz CH 18 "Industrial Revolution"
TEST on Thursday, Feb. 20th - CH 17 & 18 Multiple Choice w/2 SAQ questions
Tuesday, February 12th, 2019
Quote: "Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

1. DO NOW: Explain how industrialization in the period circa 1750–1900 can be considered an economic, political, & social turning point in global history.

2. IR POV: Review the document on the screen, write out the meaning & point of view.

3. Notes, Video, Discussion: Revolutions of Industry

In which John Green wraps up revolutions month with what is arguably the most revolutionary of modern revolutions, the Industrial Revolution. While very few leaders were beheaded in the course of this one, it changed the lives of more people more dramatically than any of the political revolutions we've discussed. So, why did the Industrial Revolution happen around 1750 in the United Kingdom? Coal. Easily accessible coal, it turns out. All this, plus you'll finally learn the difference between James Watt and Thomas Newcomen, and will never again be caught telling people that your blender has a 900 Newcomen motor.

Friday, Feb. 11th - Quiz CH 18 "Industrial Revolution"
TEST on Thursday, Feb. 20th - CH 17 & 18 Multiple Choice w/2 SAQ questions
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 and
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Quote: "There is only one happiness in this life... to love and to be loved." - George Sand

1. DO NOW: Pick up the packet - IR DBQ Practice

2. Crash Course WH 2 - Money & Debt
In which John Green teaches about filthy, filthy lucre. Money. And Debt. So, what is money? And what is it for? And why do we use money? And why does it all disappear so quickly after payday? John will look into 75% of these questions, and if he doesn't come up with answers, we'll get into some interesting ideas along the way, at least. This week we'll investigate whether money displaces barter, then leads to war, slavery, and what we think of as civilized social orders. We'll also see what old Adam Smith thinks of big money, no whammies, this week on Crash 

Friday, Feb. 11th - Quiz CH 18 "Industrial Revolution"
TEST on Thursday, Feb. 20th - CH 17 & 18 Multiple Choice w/2 SAQ questions
The Industrial Revolution made life better, but progress came with a cost. 
Friday, February 15th, 2019
Quote: "I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." - Stephen Hawking

1. Quiz CH 17 - Atlantic Revolutions

2. Review Quiz CH 17 - Atlantic Revolutions

TEST on Thursday, Feb. 20th - CH 17 & 18 Multiple Choice w/2 SAQ questions