Advanced Placement World History with Mr. Duez
Genocide: Rwanda & Legacy; Local Houston History; Video Project
Genocide: Rwanda & Legacy; Local Houston History; Video Project
Review Week & Final Exams
WEEKS at a Glance:Tue May 22 - Fri June 2
MON - Hotel Rwanda: Look back; Genocide Prevention; Video Project Discussion; Local Houston/Humble/Atascocita History
TUE - Local Houston/Humble/Atascocita History
WED/THU - Local Houston/Humble/Atascocita History
FRI - Extra Credit Due; Video Project Due;
Local Houston/Humble/Atascocita History; Review for Final Exams
Monday, May 29th is Memorial Day - No School
WED, May 25
THU, May 2
Week of - Thursday, June 1-4
Last week of the school year...
MON - No School - Memorial Day
WED - Finals 1-2-5
THU - Finals 3-6
FRI - Finals 7-4

Last week of the school year...
MON - No School - Memorial Day
WED - Finals 1-2-5
THU - Finals 3-6
FRI - Finals 7-4
Monday, May 22, 2017
Quote: “People who see life as anything more than pure entertainment are missing the point.” - George Carlin
1. DO NOW: Could a genocide ever happen in the United States? Why/Why Not?
2. Rwandan Genocide Notes, Video, & Discussion.
4. Video Project - Questions/Time to work in groups.
How can I do anything about it?
“Never Again!” That’s what leaders in the United States and throughout the world declared after the Holocaust. Yet tragically, in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur millions of people lost their lives, lost their families or were forced to flee their homes. History doesn't have to keep repeating itself. The powerful movement in response to the Darfur genocide showed us that by acting together, we can compel our elected leaders to act on their responsibility to protect innocent men, women and children from brutal regimes. We believe that, working together, we can prevent mass atrocities and we can end genocide by:
- Sounding the alarm and demanding action;
- Stopping the enablers of genocide and mass atrocities; and
- Making genocide prevention a core value in U.S. foreign policy.
The Genocide Prevention Task Force was launched in November 2007, and released its report to the public on December 8, 2008. Co-chaired by Madeleine K. Albright and William S. Cohen, the task force was co-convened by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, The American Academy of Diplomacy, and the US Institute of Peace, and it was funded by private foundations. Its purpose was to spotlight genocide prevention as a national priority, and develop practical policy recommendations to enhance the capacity of the US government to respond to emerging threats of genocide and mass atrocities.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Quote: "And we shall shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun." - John Lennon
1. DO NOW: Why is Humble called Humble anyway?
2. Local History Unit: Discuss Houston, Humble, & Atascocita History.
3. Video Project: Discussion/Group work to prepare. Due Friday.
4. Discuss Final Exam in WHAP.
If Time Permits: AP Psychology Class Preview.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 & Thursday, May 25, 2017
Quote: "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain and most fools do." - Benjamin Franklin
1. DO NOW: Why is the Houston area a great place to live?
2. Local History Unit: Discuss Houston, Humble, & Atascocita History.
3. Video Project: Turn in and present
4. Discuss Final Exam in WHAP.
If Time Permits: Psychology Class Preview
Friday, May 26, 2017
Quote: "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein
1. Local History Unit: What will life be like for you in 30 years?
2. Psychology Class Preview
3. Discuss Final Exam in WHAP
Monday, May 30, 2016
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 -- Friday, June 2nd, 2017
Quote: “As they say in my hometown, Don't Forget To Be Awesome." - John Green
Thanks for a GREAT YEAR!
1. Final Exams