- Targets for Chapter 21 - Collapse & Recovery of Europe
- Battle Plans for WWII - Explanation of Terms, Fronts, Battles, Persons & Key Events

- WHAP-CH-21-WWII-1-Prelude
- WHAP-CH-21-WWII-2-Blitz
- WHAP-CH-21-WWII-3-Axis-Powers
- WHAP-CH-21-WWII-4-Battle-Britain
- WHAP-CH-21-WWII-5-Escalation
- Crash Course World History: World War II
- War of the World: Episode II - The Plan
- War of the World: Episode III - Killing Space
- War of the World: Episode IV - A Tainted Victory
- Battlefields: El Alamein
- Battlefields: Monte Casino
- Battlefields: Arnhem
- Battlefields: Midway
- Battlefields: Stalingrad
- World War II 1941 & The Man of Steel
- Pearl Harbor: Disaster for Japan
- The Making of Pacific
- Andrew Marr's Making of Modern Britain: Brittany at Bay (great explanation of Miracle of Dunkirk and Battle of Britain)
- Mr. Duez's Trip to Pearl Harbor - 2007
- Enemy at the Gates Trailer
- Enemy at the Gates (Crossing of the Volga River - Battle of Stalingrad)
- Saving Private Ryan Trailer